Stateline Awards Banquet held at Seneca Allegeny Casino Saturday night with over 250 people attending. The top ten in each class received their awards along with The Driver of the year- Dan Nocero Jr, and Sportsman of the year Jason Covey. Rookie of the year awards to Kyle Scott- Super Late, Robert Meachum III- Crate Late, Wyatt Johnson- Pro-Mod, Shane Horner- Super Sportsman, Jason Black- StreetStock, Ben Sudul- Challenger. The Stateline Legacy award went to Ron Smith from WHUG Pit Road show and many year announcer at Stateline years ago. Sam Frangione was recognized for his years of service at the track. A special award was given by Jim Scott to Chip Turner who was instramental in getting the new lights and electrical service underground run and wired up. A tentative schedule has been released, there will be some changes as sponsors and a few things come together they will be announced.