2021 driver registration is now open. Regular season driver registration is free if you register prior to March 30, 2021.
For any and all registrations received after March 3h, there will be a $50 registration fee, so get those registrations in early.
The two forms that need to be completed (“Driver Registration” and “W9 Earnings”) can be found on our website under Rules/Forms, or by clicking newstatelinespeedway.com/downloads.
A W9 Form MUST be filled out for every car/driver that races at Stateline Speedway. If you are in multiple divisions, a different form needs to be filled out for each car; regardless if the owner is the same. All forms MUST be on file prior to any pay being received.
*Note: Minors MUST complete a minor release form before entering the Pit Area (also available on website under Rules/Forms)
Send your completed registrations and the first page of the W9 via...
New Stateline Speedway, PO Box 25, Garland, PA 16416
Email: newstateline19@gmail.com